Sep 7, 2010

Coming to Beob Deung Sa

Tibet`Munwhaweon, Haedeung`Jeongsa(Beobdeung`Sa)

is located about 25 kilometres from Yongin city,
and 20 kilometres from Anseong city.

~ A`d`d`r`e`s`s ~
Yeomti`Maeul, Nogok`Ri 197-1, Yangseong`Myeon, Anseong`Si, Kyeongki`Do.

``By bus``

From the Inchon Airport,
Take the Limousine bus to An`seong bus terminal.
Get off the bus and then Go to Nogok`Ri by taxi.
Or from the Inchon Airport take the Limousine bus for Yong`In,
And then Go to Nogok`Ri by taxi.
And there, You can call this phone number
-->> 031) 674-3453 , 010-4468-2100
We will provide assistance in finding ways to your final destination.

``From Gyeongbu Expressway``

From Gyeongbu Expressway South,
follow Pyeongtaek`Chungju Expressway South and exit at the Seo`Anseong TG.
Turn right and Take 45th national road,
then Continue Northeast way toward Jangseo`Ri for about 8-10 minutes.
Exit at Jangseo`Ri and take the 82th road East(Right hand side)
then go with these directions for about 2 minutes.
Follow sign for and exit at Nogok`Ri, and straight through the tunnel at the left side.
Go to the intersection and turn right (200m).
A stone post will be seen on your left side immediately after your turn (300m).
Turn left and go with this narrow road about 1.2km.
Get in the left lane at Yeomti`Maeul entrance
and Continue halfway up the hill on the narrow road.


From Gyeongbu Expressway South,
follow Yeong`dong Expressway East and exit at the Yong`in TG.
Turn right and straight through Yong`in City about 5km.
Get on the 45th national road,
then Continue South way toward Jangseo`Ri for about 10 minutes.
Exit at Jangseo`Ri and take the 82th road East(Left hand side)
then go with these directions for about 2 minutes.
Follow sign for and exit at Nogok`Ri, and straight through the tunnel at the left side.
Go to the intersection and turn right (200m).
A stone post will be seen on your left side immediately after your turn (300m).
Turn left and go with this narrow road about 1.2km.
Get in the left lane at Yeomti`Maeul entrance
and Continue halfway up the hill on the narrow road.
This will bring you to your final destination.
You will see Haedeung`Jeongsa(Beobdeung`Sa) on your left.

1 comment:

  1. wonderful feeling to know that H E Kalu Rinpoche is visiting Korea. He is a great Guru...Many he be a more successful than his earlier H E Kalu giving teachings and empowerments...
